Sound Minus

An Experience of the Limitations of the Human Body through Auditory Empathies

PHYSICAL PRODUCT — Chodoriwsky: Product Studio – 2020

Physical product takes the form of a wearable apparatus guided by sensory modification. The project began with the supply of a sensory modifier– I received Sound Minus, which I interpreted as an obstruction of natural sound. The final product came to fruition through a process of iterative physical prototyping, 3D modeling, and critiqued documentation. 

I began the development of the product by recognizing that the world is engineered for the generalized “able,” with the needs and rights of the differently abled left neglected. Galvanized by individuals experiencing hearing loss, this mask intended to relay the sentiment to the abled-hearing by restricting and limiting speech with a mouth covering and obstructing auditory pathways via vibrations against the ear.


The mask’s modular form allows the wearer to physically construct their own experience while acknowledging the privilege of building it not available to those with physical impediments. The heavy wooden mask physically restricts the wearer’s head movements, promoting attentive body language and eye-contact. Physical deliverables include a wearable apparatus, as well as a container to house it.


Sound Minus

An Experience of the Limitations of the Human Body through Auditory Empathies

PHYSICAL PRODUCT — Chodoriwsky: Product Studio – 2020

Physical product takes the form of a wearable apparatus guided by sensory modification. The project began with the supply of a sensory modifier– I received Sound Minus, which I interpreted as an obstruction of natural sound. The final product came to fruition through a process of iterative physical prototyping, 3D modeling, and critiqued documentation.

I began the development of the product by recognizing that the world is engineered for the generalized “able,” with the needs and rights of the differently abled left neglected. Galvanized by individuals experiencing hearing loss, this mask intended to relay the sentiment to the abled-hearing by restricting and limiting speech with a mouth covering and obstructing auditory pathways via vibrations against the ear.





The mask’s modular form allows the wearer to physically construct their own experience while acknowledging the privilege of building it not available to those with physical impediments. The heavy wooden mask physically restricts the wearer’s head movements, promoting attentive body language and eye-contact. Physical deliverables include a wearable apparatus, as well as a container to house it.